Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Facebook s Influence On Social Media Essay - 1736 Words

Over the last 10 years Facebook has become one of the most socially pervasive social media platforms by offering users a wide variety of features free of charge. In western countries, almost everyone knows what Facebook is, or knows someone on the social media website. However, what users fail to recognise is they are compromising their personal data for the purpose of advertising. The raises the main concern of exploitation through Facebook’s advertising techniques, alongside issues of privacy and self-obsession. In the early days of the World Wide Web, many social media networks were present for users to benefit from through connectivity (Fuchs, 2009). In 2006 Facebook became open to users as young as 13, emerging as a fast-growing network with an enormous source of personal data and an ability to instantly communicate globally. Facebook became the second most accessed website in the world with 43.3% of internet users accessing Facebook during a three month study in 2011 (Fuchs, 2012). A result of users being offered a platform an online persona can be created using their real name, providing contact with real friends, and share their thoughts, tastes and news without criticism (Townsend, 2012). Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, envisioned a personalised and humanised web where our network is our primary source of information, just as it is offline (Vogelstein, 2009). This establishment of social relationships is created through integrating technologies such as email, digitalShow MoreRelatedFac ebook s Influence On Social Media1035 Words   |  5 PagesStephen Han Dr. Christopher T. Nielson 11/24/14 Communicating Facebook Facebook has grown to be one of the biggest social media sites in the world. It connects people to society. 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