Sunday, December 29, 2019

Ethnic Studies - 1154 Words

Race has no biological meaning. There is only one human race; there are no subspecies, no single defining characteristic, traits, or even gene, separates one â€Å"race† from another. Instead of being a biological concept, race is a social construct, and a relatively modern one at that. It was created to give light-skinned Europeans an advantage by making the white race superior and all others inferior. Throughout its history, the concept of race has served this purpose well. Ancient civilizations, although they practiced slavery, did not classify people based on race, but on other characteristics, such as religion and status. The concept of race first developed in the 18th century, as a way for slaveholders to justify slavery and secure†¦show more content†¦They were stereotyped as â€Å"plodding, degraded, and servile people – indeed, virtual slaves,† and were treated as virtual slaves also, (Chan). After slavery was abolished, white landowners w anted Asians to immigrate to America because, as one of them said, â€Å"emancipation has spoiled the negro, and carried him away from the fields of agriculture†¦ we therefore say let the coolies come,† (McFerson). Later, while working on the railroads, they were paid far less than the unskilled white workers, no matter what job they held. They were viewed as â€Å"perpetual foreigners† and their â€Å"opponents used Asians’ alleged inability to become ‘real’ Americans as an excuse to exclude them and to deny them participation in American political and social life,† (Chan). In fact, they could not become â€Å"real Americans† because they were not allowed citizenship until the 1940s and 1950s. In the 20th century, there was confusion as to whether Asian Americans should be considered akin to blacks or whites. Earlier generations had entered the country as a replacement for black slaves, but during segregation, many Asians we re allowed to attend white schools, theaters, and restaurants. They were not, however, allowed to live in white neighborhoods and when the matter was pressed, they were grouped with blacks. In the 1960s, in the midst of the Civil Rights movement, they were given the status of a â€Å"model minority† to make blacks seem inferior and to confer honorary whiteness on Asians. In Hawaii,Show MoreRelatedAfrican American Studies : The Matrix Of American Ethnic Studies972 Words   |  4 Pagesa presence of Ethnic Studies in Academia. These â€Å"Area† Focused disciplines tries to distinguish their goals apart from other disciplines, which encourages Ethnic Studies to constantly change. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds Admit Impediments

NAIFAN CHEN ESSAY: LET ME NOT TO THE MARRIAGE OF TRUE MINDS Shakespeare’s sonnet â€Å"Let me not to the marriage of true minds† elucidates Shakespeare’s thoughts and opinions on the theme, love. The poet describes how true love is eternal, how it can stand up to time and the way it resists negative inducement. During the sonnet, the poet changes the mood and atmosphere from somber to emotionally positive. Shakespeare uses many language techniques -such as metaphors, repetition and enjambment- to do this. Shakespeare begins the first quatrain with a statement, â€Å"Let me not to the marriage of true minds/Admit impediments†. It briefs the reader on what the sonnet is about and sets a scene for future development. The use of the negative, ‘not’,†¦show more content†¦The next two lines, â€Å"Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, / But bears it out even to the edge of doom† is an allusion to love standing its ground even in the wake of Doomsday. This quatrain effectively illustrates love as a thing that endures all hardship; reinforcing the extended metaphor of the previous quatrain. In the final couplet, Shakespeare makes a witty declaration. The final two lines of this sonnet create a sort of paradox, as he writes â€Å"If this be error and upon me proved, / I never writ, nor no man ever loved†. As he has written much more than any other person, Shakespeare will theoretically not be wrong. The phrase â€Å"Nor no man ever loved† has deep emphasis on the negative â€Å"nor†, suggesting that he should somehow be sad but is not. Shakespeare ends the sonnet on a rather melancholic tone. Ultimately, Shakespeare expresses his own feelings and opinions through the sonnet. His usage of language techniques helps him do so. Love is shown to be not only a quality, but it is personified as a perfect, unchanging thing, unaffected by time. Shakespeare has really proved himself to be a prolific writer and extraordinarily capable poet as result of thisShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Sonnet 116981 Words   |  4 Pagesnarrative poems are still appreciated and read today. One of his famous works is his sonnet, Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds, which is also referred to as sonnet 116. Sonnet 116 was first published in the year 1609. In his sonnet Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds, Shakespeare’s use of end rhyme, iambic pentameter, and metaphors which allows the reader to understand what Shakespeare felt that true love should be like. Shakespearean sonnets, also known as Elizabethan sonnets, were sonnetsRead More The Evasive Sonnet CXVI (116) Essay2568 Words   |  11 Pagesof the mind that they are following close behind.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sonnet CXVI is one of these evasive sonnets.   It is indeed elusive and if we are lucky enough to catch hold of it, we may find that we do not in fact possess it entirely.   Most interpretations of Sonnet CXVI focus on the constancy of love, which I concede, is indeed an attribute of the sonnet, but is hardly its main point.   Wedged between sonnets that begin Those lines that I before have writ do lie (CXV) and Accuse me thus, thatRead MoreEternal And Unchanging Nature Of Love In William Shakespeares Sonnet 1161055 Words   |  5 Pagesthem to his or her ex-partner. This sonnet is actually the poetic version of â€Å"You never loved me.† This piece examines the eternal and unchanging nature of love by showing what love is not. The sonnet is full of negative statements, declaring what love is not and what love never does. The sonnet is narrated in the first person and the speaker is boldly declaring what that what he experienced was not true love, b ut he has an almost naive sense of what love is. Sonnet 116 â€Å"is more akin to a high-wireRead MoreClose Reading of Sonnet Essay example1391 Words   |  6 Pagesby William Shakespeare 2011 â€Å"Sonnet 116† written by William Shakespeare is focusing on the strength and true power of love. Love is a feeling that sustainable to alterations, that take place at certain points in life, and love is even stronger than a breakup because separation cannot eliminate feelings. The writer makes use of metaphors expressing love as a feeling of mind not just heart as young readers may see it. To Shakespeare love is an immortal felling that is similar to a mark onRead MoreEssay on Poem Analysis – Sonnet 116762 Words   |  4 PagesSonnet 116 ‘Let Me Not To The Marriage Of True Minds’ Study the first 12 lines of the poem. Discuss how Shakespeare makes a statement in the first and second lines, and then use lines 2-12 to give examples which supports his viewpoints. In the first two lines of the poem Shakespeare writes, Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments: love is not love The first line shows that he thinks you should not marry unless you are faithful. He says ‘let me not’ which meansRead MoreAnalysis Of Sonnet 116 By William Lynn1284 Words   |  6 Pagespresent thereby referring or claiming it as true love. In order words, my question goes like this, does love seem to be true in a literary context, is there any emotional bond that actually proves love to be pure according to psychological criticism of ‘’Texts and Context,’’ book by ‘’Steven Lynn.’’ And can we see love as honest and true, if we answered yes to all these, then how can we relate it to our personal lives and what is our own definition of true love or real love. According to my close readingRead MoreMillay vs. Shakespeare: Love, Loss and Lament1509 Words   |  7 PagesEdna St. Vincent Millays What Lips My Lips Have Kissed, and Where and Why is an effective short poem, which feeds on the dissonance between the ideal of love and its reality, heartbreak. In William Shakespeares Let Me Not to The Marriage of True Minds, the effectiveness is weakened by its idealiality and metaphysical stereotype. In contrast to Millay, Shakespeare paints a genuine portrait of what love should be but unfortunately never really is. This factor is what makes his poem difficultRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Sonnet 30960 Words   |  4 Pagesthought, and serious creative energy are all to be found in his sonnets. Shakespeare s Sonnets clarify the value of human relationships by showing that friendship can end one’s own sadness, that love should be commemorated, and that marriage between true minds is loyal and consistent. â€Å"But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, / All losses are restored and sorrows end.† In Sonnet 30, a past friendship between two mates ends one’s own sadness and selfish sorrows. The speaker’s thoughtsRead MoreMarriage Of Love By William Shakespeare885 Words   |  4 PagesName-Chiagozie Harry Okeke Course-ENGL 200 Instructor-Prof.Scott. Maisano Date-10-20-15 (Revised Essay) Marriage of Love (Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare) ‘’Love is not love,’’ alters when it alteration finds,’’ or bends with the remover to remove’’ the first phrase ‘’Love is not love,’’ alter when it alteration finds, simply means that love is not love when it continues to change even when one person has noticed that their beloved has changed. However, If oneRead MoreA Comparison of Shakespeares Sonnets 116 and 1301354 Words   |  5 PagesShakespeare defines love by way of truth. He begins not by launching into a discourse on the nature of love but on the nature of marriage, which, he implies, is built on commitment and truth: Let me not to the marriage of true minds / Admit impediments. If two people are honest and truthful then they will have understood just what is expected of them in their marriage vows therefore, the poet sees no reason to object. Love follows on truth, he seems to say. In fact, this must be so for the same

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Raceand Ethnicity as Deviance free essay sample

A look into why and how race and ethnicity impact and are impacted by deviance. This paper examines the way that race and ethnicity contribute to the development of deviance The author argues that race and ethnicity indirectly intertwine in unequal access to social rewards and other various forms of wealth, power, and prestige thereby causing deviance and violence. This paper defines race and ethnicity in the realm of deviance and analyzes why and how individuals and groups discriminate. From the paper: Why is there inequality among men? Where do its causes lie? Can it be reduced or abolished altogether? Do we have to accept it as a necessary element in the structure of human society? Humans are unequal in many ways. They differ in physical features and in mental capacities, talents, strengths, and so on. All of these inequalities are a product of both social learning and genetic inheritance. More importantly, race and ethnicity become entwined in the unequal access to social rewards and other various forms of wealth, power, and prestige. We will write a custom essay sample on Raceand Ethnicity as Deviance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page